Energy Rating & Building Performance


Hempcrete House, Central Victoria


At Altereco we integrate the Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme (NatHERS) into our workflow, thermally modelling various options at each stage of the project to offer you informed choices on your building's performance. We want to work with you to go beyond the 6 Star legislated minimum to craft climate-resilient homes without compromising aesthetics or blowing the budget.

Information from our modelling is used to make meaningful choices about the cost/benefit of various layout configurations, glazing options and material choices.


  • An extensive analysis modelling changes to the Building Fabric (insulation & materials), Glazing, Building Form, and Shading

  • A best case scenario to maximise possible performance

  • Modelling of heating and cooling loads in 2050 to reflect in intermediate and extreme climate change scenarios.

  • Tailoring of HVAC systems to reflect the heating and cooling loads identified in analysis

  • Comments on cost/performance tradeoffs to assist product selection